25 July 2014

Posted in LifestyleMy DiaryWeekend Notes

“Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud”

♫♪ Laura Mvula – Little Girl Blue

Last week I talked about big changes and moves coming my way. Since then many have reached out to wish me luck on the move and of course the next step. Though I, of course, couldn’t help but start to get a bit nervous and scared. I’ve done a similar move in the past, but the circumstances were a bit different. I’m now heading to a bigger city where I’m just one rather than among a group of people who are merely strangers to each other forced to become friends as that’s what you do when you enter a new environment with others experiencing the same thing.

I guess things just get a little scary thinking about responsibilities and being so far in proximity to people you love, care about, and are there for you. I will admit that last night, I tried writing the note section of this post and was paralyzed with overwhelming emotions. Being so nervous and scared about fitting in. The past hasn’t been the kindest to me when it comes to change though I’ve embraced the difficulties as challenges to overcome and to fortify my character.

I guess I’m just trying to say is that I really, really, really hope this change and move is seamless and everything I hope so. Something that I don’t necessarily need to regret and something that feels gratifying each step of the way. It’s a bit blatant that I’m insecure about the whole situation… isn’t it?

This weekend I need to finish packing as most of next week will be consumed with a close family friend’s wedding. Then comes my move just a few days after the wedding in which I will give you a lot more details. Hope you have a lovely weekend wherever you are. xo. -S

life-changing travel tips

why we look at photographs

important networking tips

puppies underwater of course

summers call for cold brew

kitchen design tips for your home

eclectic parisian home

a summer crostini party

best dressed in Obama’s cabinet

these photos were captured in Central Park in NYC