Special Evenings in a Little Black Dress

Posted in StyleSpring

What I Wore


I’ve found that my social life has had its ups and downs since moving to London . Some weeks are packed with meetings and that leaves me stretched much too thin to continue onwards into the weekend. Other weeks are a bit easier making evening plans a special treat. Though the simpler weeks are hard to come by I always look forward to putting on a little black dress, some delicate gold jewels and a nice bold red lip to get me started for the weekend!

I find myself going for a little black dress often for the weekend now that I’m in London. It’s easy enough for the office layered with a blazer and then with a few changes I can be whisked away into the weekend! Back in college, my little black dress for the weekend looked more like skinny jeans and some sort of leopard print. As much as I miss those days, these make me feel more powerful and confident. Do you have a little black dress or outfit that does that?

Of course the warmer days ahead means taking my little black dress to rooftop cocktails, summer soirees, nights under candlelight. I’m planning on giving myself a break from my overbearing schedule and raising a glass to the nights I get to be adorned in simple and delicate jewels from Chistine Elizabeth Jewelry!

By the way, these photos were captured in a pub in South London that used to be home to a bank! Ther details of plush reds and greens along with photos of memoirabilia line the walls. I’ve been enjoying the pub cultures in the UK!