And Onto August...

Posted in LifestyleMy Diary

I can’t believe the months of summer started in May and it seems like yesterday we were celebrating my birthday and now we’re about to greet summer a farewell and enter into fall just soon enough. It makes me a bit sad to think that I didn’t take full advantage of the city, but when I reflect. It was actually quite perfect. Though summer isn’t over as I have another holiday lined-up soon enough, but here are a few things I’ve been enjoying recently…

living a minimalist life

After moving into my new flat, I came to realize that I had way too many things that had no significance in my life and I was holding onto for it to just take up space. I decided to donate a lot of my clothes, giveaway books and institute a new policy of “one thing in, one thing out” for my wardrobe, shoes and anything else. When it comes to clothes and shoes, I’m enjoying the idea of buying few, but quality pieces that can go with just about anything. Great basics are the way of life, I tell you!

for inner-beauty and serenity

I’ve always ate fairly healthy, though I do love my bits of indulgence… Recently, with extreme stress levels, I’ve started getting stomach pains and indigestion problems. Too much information, but it’s the reality. Pukka’s Detox tea is something I started consuming in graduate school before major deadlines and I thought I would adopt the habit again. It’s a subtle tea that helps with digestion and cools your body temperature. I couldn’t find this brand in the US, so I would make my own detox tea here!

a beauty regimen

Since the weather has been all over the place here from very cold to extremely hot {I may be exaggerating here}, my skin has been acting up again as it goes dry to oil to dry again in one day. I found Avène to be incredible on my skin. I wasn’t quite sure what to get as they have a range of products, but I simply completed a survey on their site and they sent me over a sample regimen to test out for a week. It was actually spot on and I decided to buy the gel cleanser, micellar water and hydrating cream with SPF immediately!

I also started using my trusted Bumble & Bumble shampoo and conditioner again. Since I wasn’t making very much time for myself whilst looking for a new flat and moving, I was using random drugstore brand shampoo and conditioner and I started to notice lack of shine and silkiness immediately. So I went to a local salon that stocked Bumble & Bumble and I was back in the game with healthy locks in just two washes.

a touch of productivity

With the summer sun sticking out for much longer than the moon, I’ve been taking advantage of the natural sunlight. And going from a basement flat to a 4th floor view of the London parks and extremes of sun, I’ve enjoyed every second sprawling out on my floor with designs and concepts for clients! Luckily I’ve been invited to work on a few really incredible projects, so it makes working quite exciting. The downside? My flatmates continue to think I work too much! But that’s a work-life struggle I hope to address in another post.

culinary inspiration

I’ve never been great at giving presents. Honestly, I always get a bit overwhelmed when I’m trying to think of something special for someone. So when it came to my birthday presents from friends here in London, I was blown away completely. Each person gifted me something that spoke to my hobbies, personality and interests. Alina’s birthday present, and I don’t say this lightly, was probably the best present I have ever received from anyone anywhere. The Flavour Thesaurus is a bible of ingredients with pairings and cooking methods for each. It has motivated my kitchen adventures to a whole new level!

Anything particularly noteworthy going on with you? I would love to hear!