2016 in Words

Posted in LifestyleMy Diary

with a glass of champagne…

I want to wish you a very happy new year! It has been a really quick 2015 and I’m really hoping 2016 takes its time as I’m no where ready for another rollercoaster ride! I don’t know about you, but this year I felt significantly better about entering the new year. I think it’s because I finally feel as if I found my calling and place in life. I wanted to continue the tradition and share three words I want to live by this year. In 2015, my words were centered around assimilating into my new life in London and getting used to a new professional lifestyle. At the time I was only 6-months into this new lifestyle so everything was still evolving. Luckily with the help of a few friends and the curation of some pretty spectacular memories everything has surpassed that stage and now I’m in the zone where I think I’m ready to implement.


I think I did a lot of growing in the last few years. My entire life has been about educating, acquiring, and developing. This left very little room to apply and it was only in the last 6-months did I come to realize that my experience can now be translated into an expertise. I’ve met with networks to talk about plans and ideas and collaborations, but instead of stopping to take notes they were ready to take my advice. What an odd, exhilarating feeling it is! In 2016, I want to develop a forum or platform where I can teach and inspire others.


My physical diary dictates much of my life and it was just 2 weeks ago I decided that I was not going to walk into Harrods and pick up another gold-trim paged diary for 2016. New year? New me. I’ve gone fully digital, but that’s not to say that I’m going to let a few mobile-apps dictate what I do too. In 2016, I want to wake up on Saturdays without an alarm, go for walks that weren’t schedule and better yet let someone else into my life. Meet their schedule. Take moments from there.


December was an impactful month for me last year. Alina gifted me a cookbook about whole eating and introduced me to Yoga with Adriene’s 30 day yoga challenge. I decided to breakaway from the regular gym kit and put on some stretchy Lululemons and hit the mat whilst cooking up some whole meals that left my wellbeing healthy and enhanced my mental clarity. I was surprised that I stuck with it (because it’s a new routine) for a full 30 days! Ringing in the new year made me itch for a little more. With just a 10 minute guided mental and physical meditation a day, I saw so much of a difference and craved more. So I plan on continuing on with that journey. I’ll be sure to share my experience about this process and share my methods in-depth in the newsletter, so be sure to sign up!

There is it! Here’s to hoping for a beautiful 2016 for you, your loved ones, and our flourishing relationship on c&é. May this year bring you the utmost happiness and any challenges open up with opportunities.

With a glass of champagne in hand, I thank you for continuing to follow my journey for yet another year! xo -S.