5 Productive Ways to Bring More Positivity to Your Life

Posted in CareerLife & Work Skills

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I hinted a lot about dealing with work stress, social anxiety and lots of emotional issues with being an expat and being away from friends and family. To be completely blunt with you, the last year has been the weirdest social rollercoaster. London is a dynamic city and that inevitably attracts people of all types meaning we all have different strengths and limits and thus, I met some people who just couldn’t mesh in the same social world as I found myself. I’m the type of person who is easy going, but I also take my work very seriously. I put myself first, my family second, my work third and everything else comes after. A lot of what I was surrounding myself with in the last 2-3 years were people who demanded a lot from me in ways I couldn’t provide and didn’t have the energy to provide. Obviously that can lead to a downward spiral. Truthfully, I was hurt by some of these situations. In the end, I actually came out emotionally stronger and far more capable of keeping negativity at bay. So here are 5 productive ways to bring more positivity into your life that is sustainable and will help you build healthy habits so you can achieve more.

Journaling or Gratitude List

I’m not one for a gratitude list, but someone did recommend it to me when I was talking about the social qualms I was undergoing over on Instagram Stories. I find journaling as the most productive and easiest way to clear your mind. Much like a list, it will help you bring more positivity into your life as it will help you visualize exactly what you want. Journaling also seems like a safe place to release. The last thing you want to do is vent to a friend and come off as a negative Nancy. Some people just can’t handle someone’s vent, so let it all out on paper! In the mess of it all, you will be able to elucidate the epitome of your problem and identify a plan of action to overcome it. Journaling, in general, is a great way to bring positivity to your life.

Acts of Kindness and Serve Your Community

This is a big one for me. I found myself getting angry and feeling quite emotionally exhausted last summer and wanted to do something about. I don’t really like just financially donating to a cause because I don’t really “see” where my money goes. So I started helping at local soup kitchens and spending time preparing and giving out food to the homeless. I spent time speaking to some of the people I was serving and got to know them one-on-one. After working in a soup kitchen, I realized that some of these local charities needed more financial flow. This is where I decided to start my Colorful Notting Hill Photo Walk Airbnb Experience to raise funds for various local charities and to inform people about them. It felt good to come home at the end of the day and know that I had walked about 3 miles and make a financial contribution. This is also a great way to engage your hobby!

Practice Mindfulness

I can’t stress this one enough! I think one thing we get used to is using idle time on the phone. I’ve been trying to stay off my phone as much as I can and practice mindfulness and experience and see the world around me. I think the word, mindfulness, gets throw out a lot. Mindfulness is being present in the current state of where you are and what you’re seeing and being non-judgmental. Mindfulness has made me more aware, calm and collected. You also become aware of how you can better your surroundings. I find that when I’m mindful, I’ll offer my seat to an elderly person, I’ll hold the door for someone, I’ll give compliment, or offer anything else that brightens someone’s day.

Distant Yourself from Negative Influences

The most obvious thing to do when trying to bring more positivity to your life is distancing yourself from negative influences. What I mean here are either negative habits, negative people, things that make you feel bad (i.e. certain foods), and anything else that makes room for negativity in your life. For me, I find that when I’m eating healthy I feel less anxious and better about my body. I also find that even if I don’t want to go to the gym, it will make me feel good at the end. Finally, I like to be friends with people who are inspiring.

Work Towards Goals

One last way to bring more positivity to your life is being goal oriented. We always assume goals are something associated with productivity, but they don’t have to be. When coming up with a goal, you are establishing steps to achieve something. Once you achieve that thing, you feel so much better about yourself! I wanted to work towards a healthier body and so I took on the Whole30 journey. Those 30 days were tough, but I felt so accomplished at the end because I was the healthiest and happiest I had ever been! So create goals that you know will bring positivity to your life and don’t associate it as work, but an achievement.

There are many ways to bring more positivity to your life, what are some ways you do?