My Favorite iPhone Photo Editing Apps

Posted in Lifestyle
My Favorite iPhone Photo Editing Apps

I didn’t understand the power of Instagram up until my move to St. Andrews. I was able to tell my parents about the beautiful little corners the sweet town had to offer by phone, but it was not until I started posting my musings and findings on Instagram that my parents appreciated it more and more. So many of my friends and family reached out to tell me they appreciated me sharing a photo daily. It felt like they were with me when they were really over thousands of miles away. I would say my photography skills significantly refined over my time at St. Andrews using both my DSLR and my iPhone. After trying out over a dozen iPhone photo editing app, I’ve come to find a few that I do love. So here are some iPhone photo editing apps that I love and I think I’ll continue to update this app as new iPhone photo editing apps are released and I try others.


If you’re a photographer then you probably know about Adobe’s Lightroom. It has got one of the most powerful color editing and correcting software and I use it exclusively for my DSLR photos. Lots of bloggers sell their mobile photo presets now and it’s usually set up in Lightroom. I love Lightroom as one of my iPhone photo editing apps because it allows me to create my own presets. I’ll admit that as far as iPhone photo editing apps, this one is the most technical!

Tezza App

If you’re looking for that saturated and super vintage look that is very popular right now among travel and fashion bloggers, then this is it! As far as iPhone photo editing apps, this is my least favorite. I love the ability to add texture to a photo. Textures like grain and film spots help add character to any photo and I’ll add little bits of it at times. Those sort of photos performs the best on Instagram stories for me. I don’t love the Tezza app because the filters are best for white skin tone. I end up looking very blotchy and orange with the presets.


This might be one of the most popular iPhone photo editing apps out there for people who can’t quite figure out Lightroom. ColorStory has some great filters, but the ability to edit the filters and then save your preset is a bonus! They’re also always introducing new filters for you to test out!


Bought out by Google, Snapseed is one of the most efficient iPhone photo editing apps I have worked with. Snapseed allows you to adjust the basics of shadow, brighten a photo, put a hint of contrast and saturation without manipulating the image too much. I love using it for when I’m trying to edit something out like people, construction or a bird. It has some smart technology to help seal up the parts you want to remove and it barely looks like you’ve edited the photo!


I think VSCOcam is one that is a cult favorite. They came out when Instagram did and has since been a fan favorite among many. I always tell people to go on VSCOcam to figure out what coloring they want to use for their images. The filters are incredibly beautiful with it’s saturated and faded hues, it gives your images a bit of vintage flair. My VSCOcam use skyrocketed when I was at St. Andrews because the filters encapsulated the ambiance of the campus perfectly. This is one of the best iPhone photo editing apps you have to play with!


Unlike the other iPhone photo editing apps, this app is great for optimizing your photos or videos for whatever app you’re planning to post it on with the right sizing. When I’m traveling or cooking and am taking photos along the way, I like to just be quick in taking the shot with my camera and putting it away. Once I have time, I’ll sit down and edit the content. I like to have my photos cropped and prepared to upload, so I use InShot to help me with that!

Do you have any favorite iPhone photo editing apps?

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